Can You Install A Different Brand Of AC For The Indoor And Outdoor Unit?

Being a smart homeowner, you must understand that your split air conditioning device comprises indoor and outdoor units that work in harmony to keep your home cool throughout the humid summer season.

When one of these units breaks down or runs inefficiently, many homeowners wonder whether they can replace just one part and plan a different brand of AC installation Duluth for their indoor and outdoor units. However, installing a different AC indoor and outdoor unit brand might be detrimental to your device.

Here are some reasons you must never install indoor or outdoor units that have brands different from each other.

  • An air conditioner’s indoor and outdoor units are manufactured to work as a set
    When manufacturers design their heating and cooling systems, they create distinctive indoor and outdoor units to operate together. These are known as “matched devices”. The blowers, coils, wiring, etc., need to be consistent for a cooling system to work efficiently and keep your house comfortable.
    If you integrate an air handler (or furnace) with a condensing unit it wasn’t created to operate with, the result will be decreased working efficiency. In the worst circumstance, the incompatible system may not function at all. Or, it may seem to operate initially and then break down after some time. In all circumstances, the machine’s efficiency and longevity will be compromised.

  • A mismatched air conditioner’s energy efficiency would not match its label
    SEER, also known as Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, is based on complex design combinations (matched devices), the rating system describing how power efficient a heating and air conditioning system works.
    So, if your new air conditioner condenser has an 18 Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, but you integrate it with an air handler developed as a component of a 14 SEER system, the device will not function at 18 SEER efficiency. The higher efficiency device will be hindered and put extra pressure on the lower efficiency unit.

  • Both indoor and outdoor units must support the same type of refrigerant
    Refrigerant or coolant is essential to your air conditioning cooling operation. Recently, there are two kinds of refrigerants in use: R-22, which will get out of use quickly due to its adverse impact on the earth’s ozone layer, and R-410a, R-22’s a more eco-friendly substitute.

    So if your current air conditioning device was manufactured before 2010, it likely employs R-22. Most devices manufactured after 2010 use R-410a. If your existing machine uses R-22, merely replacing the condensing unit or air handler with an R-410a-compatible device is not an alternative, and you will need to upgrade the whole system.

If you are looking for dependable heating and cooling, Duluth company can be your perfect partner for your air conditioning issues, Staton Heating, and Air. At Staton Heating and Air, we are one of the leading HVAC companies.

Our professional experts can always help you save money on your air conditioning and heating repairs, maintenance, or installation services. To know more about our top-quality HVAC assistance, call us at (770) 746-6727 or drop us your queries at