HVAC Energy efficiency can be affected by factors, including the kind of system and its administration. As a result, even minimal adjustments to an existing system can help it become more energy efficient.
You’ll want an energy-efficient heating service cumming since it uses less energy to operate, which means you’ll save money over time.
Three HVAC System Energy Efficiency R’s (Ratio)
- Season Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER)
It is the ratio of cooling production in BTU (British thermal units) to power consumption in kWh. The higher the number, the more energy-efficient the HVAC system is.
- EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio)
The EER conducts testing under rigorous laboratory settings. The higher the EER value, similar to the SEER rating, the more energy-efficient the HVAC system is.
- Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF)
This ratio compares the total amount of space heating required in BTUs to the total amount of power consumed by the heat pump in kilowatt-hours. A higher value suggests heat pump efficiency.
Tips To Make Your HVAC Unit Energy Efficient
- Refurbish A Depreciated System
It is an excellent choice for large, energy-intensive systems that have been well-maintained over time. You may upgrade the system by replacing the compressor and adding condenser fan controls.
- Invest In A Unique System
Consider building a whole new energy-efficient system with energy-efficient heating service cumming ducting. Look for units with high SEER rating models that are Energy Star-rated, and follow tight energy efficiency criteria.
- Increase Your Space’s Insulation
You should also ensure that your home is effectively insulated to have the most energy-efficient residential HVAC contractor near me available. So the unit won’t have to work as hard to heat and cool your home.
- Avoid Duct Leakage
When you connect an energy-efficient HVAC unit to a leaky exhaust duct, the goal of allowing air to leave before it reaches the inside of your home is utterly defeated. It is an expensive issue frequently ignored in HVAC maintenance and can result in significant financial loss.
- Install Programmable Thermostats And Controls
Energy-efficient HVAC equipment can also benefit from programmable thermostats and controls. They relieve the HVAC system of part of its responsibilities, saving ample money on your electricity costs.
- Maintain System Airflow
Maintaining an energy-efficient HVAC unit necessitates keeping it clean of dust and dirt. Dust, grime, and debris may block up a system, making it work harder to push hot and cold air out.
- Scheduled Strict Maintenance
You may prevent being caught off guard by a system breakdown and pricey repairs by performing routine maintenance inspections.
- Replace Air Filters Regularly
The dirtier the filter becomes, the more difficulty the system faces to accomplish its function, consuming more energy and increasing your power bill.
- Place The Unit In A Safe And Approachable Location
When an HVAC unit faces direct sunshine, it might overheat and consume more energy to cool your house. Install it in a place that helps keep a steady temperature and saves you money on energy costs.
Help yourself and your environment. You don’t need to buy a new system; instead, use an HVAC contractor near me to make some cost-cutting changes that can drastically reduce your power costs and overall HVAC energy usage.